Sunday, August 28, 2011

Shawnee and My Cool New Roommate

So the blog inevitably becomes about me.  A blog about movies is unsustainable anyway, and I included Digressive in the blog title, so I feel self-indulgence is warranted here.  Plus, it's my generation's favorite pastime with our endless social media functions and obsession with our own hand-selected images proffered over the internets for all to see...

Anyway, for those who don't know, I'm beginning grad school at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio for film production in about a week.  I've been here in Athens for a month already taking summer classes, but I've been spending a lot of time alone waiting for my roommates to get here.  Not that I haven't made friends... I have and they're superkool.  Most are film production students going into their 2nd or 3rd years, some are even graduating and moving away unfortunately, but I've also met some people from the theater department and the bars.

Yes, the bars.  This school was just named the #1 party school in all the nation, a title most people here are pretty proud of, even if the school wishes to discourage that association.  The reason this school is the #1 party school in the nation is that there are a lot of bars downtown (which is basically an extension of campus, seriously, it's that small) and ... that's... about... it.  Sure, there's some nature trails and a nice lake where you can swim and a movie theatre and a ... Wal Mart... and a ... Mall... and some good restaurants.  But, yeah, this place is a smaller town than I've ever lived.

So, it was a welcome change when my roommate Tae showed up.  Tae is going to be a graduate photojournalism major at the school and I can already tell we're gonna be buddies.  We've been going around town procuring necessary house items (yes mom, unfortunately most were bought at Wal Mart. I don't like it either) and trying restaurants and, of course, hitting up the bars.

But the other day, Tae and I and a few Athens experts drove around the surrounding towns and checked them out.  A mini-adventure, I would say.

I think the consensus was that Shawnee was the favorite stop of the trip, as we fortuitously ran into a guy who was renovating an old movie theater and unlocked it so we could go in and look around.  Behold, the decayed man-made splendor of yore!

All photos by Taehoon Kim, except for the last which was taken by Chris Icafano.  Stay tuned... 


  1. What it do kid? I like what you've done here thus far, although I disagree a movie-blog is unsustainable. Have you come across Kim Morgan's site, Sunset Gun? It's consistently readable and turning me onto good stuff. Kim's a total babe, and married to Guy Madin, for some reason, but that's neither here nor there, the point is it's a good movie blog that you should read if you get a chance. She injects a lot of personal history into her reviews as well, so it's more of a introspective-blog/movie diary hybrid. I've been meaning to start writing a bit about what I've watched - like the 3 hours of Night of the Hunter outtakes that came with the Criterion edition I recently bought. Pretty fascinating, remind me to tell you about it sometime.


  2. Nate-dawg! Thanks for the suggesh. And shit man, I'd marry Guy Maddin for sure.

  3. And you're right. Total babe and really good blog. I fell asleep to Night of the Hunter (sacrilege, I know) so I really want to watch it again. Maybe I'll watch the outtakes and then we can discuss...

  4. I like the photos, nice job by Taehoon and Chris. You forgot to say your roomate is Canadian, Canadians are cool. They live right next door but they approach life differently it's always seemed to me. Maybe Walmart wants to pitch in and help refurbish the theater!

  5. That movie theater is gorgeous! What a wonderful find! Can't wait to see what it looks like once it's renovated...
