Monday, July 22, 2013

Criterion on Hulu: From ...And the Pursuit of Happiness to Zorns Lemma

Ok.  Look.  I know this is impossible.  I know it is.  Because before I'm done watching all these damn movies, there will be at least 500 more added.  What are the rules?  The conditions?  Let's just say this: Starting today, June 22nd, 2013, the Criterion films available on Hulu Plus are the films I'm dedicated to watching.  Just these 800 or so titles.  Which means, should I get to the movie M, only to learn that Hulu has added Life During Wartime the day before, I'm NOT responsible for going back and picking it up.  There's only so much time, dammit, and I'm about to embark on a mission of utmost futility that will almost certainly end with my going insane or becoming depressed at the pointlessness of the assignment which I have handed myself.

As you can see, my last blog post was in September... almost two years ago.  To say that I'm not exactly great at maintaining my blog would be more than just an understatement.  It would be completely incorrect.  I have not kept up my blog.  This assignment, therefore, is a catalyst for a total reinvigoration of my inner-writer.  I've been neglecting this part of myself, and must, for whatever reason, break through the levee and flood the structures that have grown like weeds in my mind to block my creativity and generativeness.

So, here, in short, is my mission statement:

I will, under any and all circumstances, watch (at least) 5 criterion movies a week and write my reaction to these films.  Should I keep on this pace, I will be done watching these films in approximately... 3 1/2 years.  This is a 3 year project I'm proposing.  Holy shit.  I didn't realize I was dedicating the next 3 years of my life to this.  Oh well, it's been written.  Damn it all.

Feel free to weigh in, tell me I'm stupid, or champion me on this self-imposed exile from having a real life.

Thanks for reading.



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